Qi Gong (pronounced chee-gong) is a loose term for exercises performed to promote Health and Longevity, Heal Disease, and/or promote Spiritual or Martial attainment.
Qi means vital energy. The constant motion and circulation of qi both promotes and indicates balance within the physiology.
East Asian Medicine is based upon this theory, that a continual flow of qi achieves balance. Acupuncture is a practice that utilizes the flow of qi to restore equilibrium within the body and to help cure illness. A person may also engage in practices to increase and to more effectively control the flow of qi. These exercises and practices are commonly referred to as Qi Gong. ‘Gong’ means method. Qi Gong means energy method or exercises.
In addition to Jingui Golden Shield Qi Gong classes, Matt Van Dyke, EAMP teaches and practices Medical Qi Gong, exercises specifically tailored for certain imbalances or disease of the internal organs or meridian system. Private lessons are available, you may schedule online. Medical Qi Gong group classes are taught intermittently, watch the blog or subscribe to the mailing list to be informed of upcoming classes!

What is Jingui Golden Shield Qi Gong?
Golden Shield Qi Gong is a potent internal energy system that fully integrates the body, mind and energy through the careful application of physical practice, meditation and herbs. It’s lineage dates back over 500 years to the temples of Emei Mountain in Western China.
Practitioners feel that their energy becomes more vital and youthful through this practice of Golden Shield Qi Gong. There are not many systems that can bring about this youthful quality to the energy. Classes are ongoing and new classes are starting now! Find out more…
Listen to an interview with Michael Hynes, Jingui Golden Shield Instructor from Asheville, NC.
Webpage / Blog for Bellingham Jingui classes.
Watch this Introductory Video:
Jingui Golden Shield Qi Gong Demo with Instructor Natan Bar-Shimon