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Levels of Jingui Qi Gong Training

This traditional energy cultivation system has five primary levels of training. Three of these levels (Golden Shield, Pillars, Brushes) are stand alone, meaning any of them can be done separately and need not be done in any particular order. The other two are built upon the abdominal level of training (Golden Bell, Crown). Should one complete all five levels of training and wish to continue there are advanced levels of training. Thus Golden Shield Qi Gong can be a stand-alone 7 – 12 month intensive training or a multi-year evolutionary process.

Level 1 - Golden Shield
Level I – Golden Shield

Level I- Golden Shield: The Abdomen

Perhaps the best suited training for busy Americans, Golden Shield rapidly enhances one’s energy production, circulation, and storage. By stimulating the function of the digestive organs and drawing one’s energy into their “center” students begin to feel more centered and vital. Golden Shield is an extremely wise investment in one’s health and longevity.

Level II- Golden Bell: The Torso

In Chinese Medicine all the meridians of the body go through the torso region of the body. Through a wide variety of training tools this training overhauls the entire region, opening the meridians, enhancing the strength of bone in the spine and ribcage, and vibrating the internal organs. Internal herbs are used in this level to support the body’s intense energetic development. This training takes roughly 2 – 3 years to complete.


Level III - Golden Crown
Level III – Golden Crown

Level III- Golden Crown: The Head

Golden Crown is the favorite training of most students. This intense and exhilarating training enhances mental functioning, strengthens the bones of the skull and spine and serves to integrate the head and the body. Evolution of this area is accomplished through the use of meditations, physical stimulation, and internal herbal formulas. This training takes roughly 10 – 12 months to complete.

Golden Brushes – Tile Breaking

Golden Brushes: The Hands

Golden Brushes is an intensive training system designed to improve the health strength, flexibility, and resilience of ones arms hands and wrists. By combining physical/energetic training, meditations / visualizations, and herbal soaks, the muscles, tendons and bones of the arms and hands are completely revitalized. This training can be very helpful for those that depend on the agility and health of their hands for their profession, or anyone wishing to keep their hands/arms/wrists functioning well.

Golden Pillars: The Legs

Golden Pillars is a dynamic 7-10 month intensive training system designed to improve the health strength, flexibility, and resilience of ones feet, ankles and knees. This training can be very helpful for those who feel their legs/knees weakening, for athletes who want to enhance their performance, or for anyone wishing to develop this region of the body.


Advanced Levels

Below is a description of the Advanced Levels of training taught in the Jingui system. The information given below is brief by intention. As a student grows closer to completing their training of the physical levels more information about the advanced levels of training will then become available to them. While it is certainly helpful to know what lies down the road, it is most beneficial to focus on the tasks at hand — current level of training.


Bridge Training

Bridge Training focuses on strengthening the reproductive organs of the body.

Requirements: students must complete and be sealed on all five of the physical levels of training prior to beginning Bridge Training.

Advanced Hands

Advanced Hands is a continuation of Golden Brushes (Hand Training).

Requirements: students must complete and be sealed on all five of the physical levels of training prior to beginning Advanced Hand Training.

Advanced Legs

Advanced Legs is a continuation of Golden Pillars (Legs Training).

Requirements: students must complete and be sealed on all five of the physical levels of training prior to beginning Advanced Legs Training.

Pure Energy

Pure Energy refers to the advanced levels of training where the qi that was developed in the prior levels is further refined.  This cultivated energy is then used to further strengthen and integrate the mind and the body.  Pure Energy Training tends to be more meditative (yin) than the physical level (yang) training.

Requirements: students must complete and be sealed on all five of the physical levels as well as Bridge Level prior to beginning Pure Energy Level Training.
