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The Synergy of Acupuncture and Chiropractic Care: A Path to Holistic Healing

The Synergy of Acupuncture and Chiropractic Care: A Path to Holistic Healing

Acupuncture and chiropractic care are two complementary therapies rooted in vastly different traditions but with a shared goal of restoring balance and promoting the body’s natural ability to heal. While acupuncture has its origins in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), focusing on the flow of energy through meridians, chiropractic care stems from Western practices that emphasize spinal alignment and nervous system health. When combined, these two modalities create a powerful synergy, addressing pain and dysfunction from multiple angles. continue reading »

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Shallow vs. Deep Acupuncture Needling

Shallow vs. Deep Acupuncture Needling

Acupuncture has been practiced for thousands of years, originating in ancient China as a method to restore the body’s balance and promote healing. While the fundamental premise — stimulating specific points on the body to affect energy flow or “qi”— remains consistent, practitioners have developed varying techniques, including shallow and deep needling. Each method has its own strengths, applications, and limitations. Understanding the pros and cons of both approaches can help you understand which might be better suited for your needs. continue reading »

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Dancing with the dead: Red pine & the art of translation

Bellingham Health and Movement Collective Presents:
Dancing With the Dead: Red Pine and the Art of Translation
Movie Screening

Special Guest Spring Cheng!

Friday March 7

7 PM

1405 Fraser St, STE 101 Bellingham 98229


Limited snacks provided, feel free to bring your own


$5-10 SuggestedDonation: Cash or Venmo @Matt-VanDyke-3 (Donations will go towards performers, BHAMCollective, and/or local good causes)


The film tells the adventurous and sometimes comical adventures of
Bill Porter (Red Pine), a world-renowned translator of ancient Chinese
poetry, who ignited a movement in China to seek inner peace through
poetry and mountain solitude. In these fraught times of political and
economic relations with China, Bill is a living bridge between the two
cultures, a bridge that is supported by ancient poetry and

Spring Cheng

Spring Cheng brings her incredible artistry to the film through her
singing of many of the ancient poems in the film. Spring was born in
China and came to the U.S. in her early twenties. Her childhood was
very difficult.
“I was born during the Cultural Revolution, one of the darkest hours
of China’s modern history. The whole nation was in a state of chaotic
fractions, brutal divides, and wanton self-destruction.”
By the age of eight, she was praying for a way out of the personal and
collective deprivation and abandonment she found herself drowning in.
Then she discovered ancient Chinese poetry.
“Chinese classic poetry kept me alive as I grew up in China, literally
feeding my body and soul at a time when both food and beauty were
Ward was searching for a singer for the film but had given up after
nearly a year with no results. Then he met Spring at a dance retreat
when she stood up and sang an ancient Chinese poem. He had found the
film’s singer.
“As if directed by an unseen hand, Ward’s artistry of movie-making and
my musical expression matched each other in a loving embrace.
everything happened as if being orchestrated by an invisible hand
weaving threads of mystery.”


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Explore the Benefits of Facial Cosmetic Acupuncture

Explore the Benefits of Facial Cosmetic Acupuncture

We all eventually hit the age where those fine lines and wrinkles around our eyes, nose, and mouth seem to become a bit more prominent than we would like. There are countless products and procedures out there for men and women, touting the benefits of reducing or even eliminating those pesky fine lines and wrinkles. Despite a diligent skincare routine, if you aren’t happy with the results and are looking for something natural, non-invasive, and truly rejuvenating, cosmetic facial acupuncture might become your go-to favorite skin care practice.  continue reading »

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The Benefits of Eating for the Seasons

The Benefits of Eating for the Seasons

Restaurants that have revolving seasonal menus have gained in popularity in recent years. The concept of seasonal eating has deep roots. Before the advent of modern agriculture and global trade, people naturally consumed foods that were locally available during specific times of the year. But today, the convenience of supermarkets allows us to eat almost any fruit or vegetable year-round. While this accessibility is convenient, it disconnects us from the natural cycles of food and may not always be the healthiest or most sustainable choice. Let’s delve into the benefits of eating for the seasons and how it can transform your health, environment, and culinary experience. continue reading »

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